Social Value Spotlight

Learn more about what social value is, what we do, and how we came to be with articles written by members of Social Value Aotearoa.

ACC and Te Puni Kokiri Get A Jump Start On Social Investment Training

ACC and Te Puni Kokiri Get A Jump Start On Social Investment Training

ACC and Te Puni Kokiri Get A Jump Start On Social Investment Training

Executive members from the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) and Te Puni Kokiri (TPK) began their journey to learn about Social Value, Social Return on Investment, and Impact Accounting, with the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency (WOCA) at their head office in West Auckland this April.
Over two days, these leaders unpacked the role of Social Value, Social Return on Investment, and Impact Accounting, guided by the expertise of WOCA. The focus was to understand and maximise the benefits of creating excellent outcomes for our communities.

To solidify their newfound knowledge, participants undertook the internationally recognised Level One certification associate exam through Social Value Aotearoa. The unanimous success of all participants underscored the value and relevance of this workshop.

“This was a relatively new kaupapa for me that I had heard quite a bit about. I really appreciated the workshop, being shown the different concepts, understanding the eight principals that underpin SROI and then completing the open book test to make sure it stuck. I look forward to learning more, how it’s used in practice so we can utilise it as an effective tool in our kaupapa which is Ngā Tini Whetū”.

Paula Rawiri — Deputy Secretary for Policy Partnerships at Te Puni Kokiri.

“It really helped in stimulating my thinking around the multiple benefits that we can anticipate from investing in things like Whānau Ora, Ngā Tini Whetū, and holistic investments”.
Iain Potter — Head of Injury Prevention ACC review